Macaulay’s bastard children: A conversation with Sanjay Seth on the Code of History, Post-colonialism and Marxism
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Sanjay Seth, post-colonialism, IndiaRésumé
Sanjay Seth held positions at Sydney University and La Trobe University, where he became one of the founding co-editors of the Journal Postcolonial Studies. In 2007, he moved to Goldsmiths College, University of London, to take up the Chair in Politics and the directorship of the Center for Postcolonial Studies. He has published in the fields of modern Indian history, political and social theory, postcolonial theory and international relations. The following conversation was held when Professor Sanjay Seth was visiting the Universidade Nova de Lisboa. José Neves conducted most of the conversation, trying to range from Seth’s first works on politics (Marxist Theory and Nationalist Politics: The Case of Colonial India, New Delhi, Sage, 1995) to his more recent interventions on the epistemological, cultural and political aspects of the writing of history.