About the Journal


1. Scope and objectives

Práticas da História is an online academic journal published at the NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities (NOVA FCSH) with the support of the Institute of Contemporary History and of CHAM – Centre for the Humanities. The main aim of the journal is the promotion of discussions on historical theory, historiography, and the uses of the past. Contributions are published in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish and include peer-reviewed studies, essays, and book reviews. In Práticas da História, readers can access articles and essays that are submitted to anonymous peer review. The journal also publishes reviews and interviews, as well as other texts of variable format. The journal attaches equal importance to research relating the practice of history with other domains of the humanities and to works debating history in the context of the social sciences. Without rigidly limiting its areas of interest, the journal encourages contributions on:

  • methodological, aesthetical and epistemological questions related to the practice of historiography;
  • the history and theory of historiography;
  • the relations between historiography and other uses of the past.

The journal finds itself in the disciplinary field of history. It does aspire, however, to question its boundaries. It is the journal’s goal to promote interdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity, as well as to publish transdisciplinary research which goes beyond disciplinary conventions. The journal accepts contributions by all researchers, regardless of academic degree or institutional affiliation. The editors of the journal understand the practice of history as a way to analyse the past and to participate in the present.

Práticas da História: Journal on Theory, Historiography and Uses of the Past charges no fee for the submission and publication of articles.


2. Publication frequency

Práticas da História publishes two issues a year (june and december).


3. Open access policy and Copyright

Práticas da História is an open access journal that provides free access to its contents, with the aim of promoting the exchange of knowledge. Authors remain the copyrights holders and grant third parties the right to use, reproduce and share the articles according to the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence. Práticas da História is archived on RUN: Repository of the NOVA University. We encourage authors to self-archive their published articles in the repository of their institution.

During the manuscript submission process, or after its approval, we recommend that the authors deposit the data connected with the research in a reliable repository, if legally and ethically possible.
 The following can be considered research data: the research proposal; reports submitted to funding agencies; a description of the archives used; tables, figures and statistical information not used in the article; and recordings or transcripts of oral interviews. All research data used in the manuscript that are already public must be properly cited and referenced.

This journal is registered as a SHERPA/RoMEO Blue journal.


4. Digital preservation

This journal is digitally preserved through the service Public Knowledge Project (PKP PN).


5. Statute and regulation procedures

The journal's Statute and Regulation Procedures can be accessed here.